
hexagonal grid or no hexagonal grid

Every now and then I find documents about hexagonal grids or hexagonal image processing where the authors appear to have a different understanding of the term 'hexagonal' than I have. Today I found such a document again, and this time I want to share my opinion...

Rotated square Grid
A simple internet search lead me to a paper with the title 'Demosaicking of Hexagonally-Structured Bayer Color Filter Array'. Seems like someone shares my interests in hexagonal grids and color filter arrays. And somehow the author figured out a way to apply something like a Bayer pattern to a hexagonal grid. That is indeed interesting! So I started reading the abstract and there it was:

"[...] The hexagonal CFA can be considered to be a 45-degree rotational version of the Bayer pattern [...]"

No, a hexagonal CFA cannot be considered as a rotated version of the Bayer pattern! Rotating a sqare grid (which is the basis for the Bayer pattern) results in a rotated square grid, not in a hexagonal grid! 

Let me outline what I believe a hexagonal grid is: A (regular) hexagonal grid is one in which every element has six neighbors with the same distance. Drawing lines from the center of one of these neighbors to the next results in a regular hexagon. A hexagon is a shape with six sides and six corners. In the special case of a regular hexagon (which I assume is the most practical one) all sides have the same length and all corners have the same angle. The single elements don´t have to be hexagons necessarily, these may also be e.g. circles.
Well, that sounds a little more scientific than I wanted it to. To make it a little simpler you could also say in a hexagonal grid it should be possible to identify hexagons.

Coming back to the paper I have to say that I can´t read the content as it is Korean. However, the authors also provide an image of what they call a hexagonal color filter array.
Okay... in the abstract they say, they rotated the Bayer pattern to get a hexagonal pattern. This is not what I see here (Again, I have to emphasize that I can´t read the paper. I am just assuming that the figure demonstrates the process described in the abstract). What I see is that they rotated the grid and then changed the distance between the elements. I have no idea why they would do that as it makes the grids incomparable. But that´s another topic. The main point is: the figure to the right does not show a hexagonal grid. What is shows is Fuji´s SuperCCD design.

Fuji SuperCCD
Fuji´s SuperCCD sensors have often been described with 'hexagonal' or 'honeycomb'. But that´s not correct. SuperCCD is just a rotated square grid. Well, to make it look more interesting, the marketing guys have chopped off the corners of the squares to produce octagons (!), but these were still placed on a square grid.
The figure above illustrates the layout of the SuperCCD sensors. By rotating the grid Fuji´s scientists achieved to get a grid on which the green pixels were placed on a horizontally aligned square grid. Compared to that, the green pixels are placed on a rotated grid in the conventional Bayer pattern. The advantage of such a layout should be that horizontal and vertical lines (which are assumed to be dominant in natural images) may be reproduced better. However, my experience is that the exact opposite is the case. The missing green pixels are much easier to interpolate horizontally or vertically than diagonal. But there may be algorithms which can handle that.
The pixels´ octagonal shape is a pure marketing gag in my opinion. What would it help to reduce the light sensitive area? Fuji has always claimed that the SuperCCD sensors are more light sensitive than their competitors. Well, that is possible, but the reason for that is for sure not the octagonal shape of the pixels. Maybe it is because they found a way to decrease the distance between the pixels (which is not represented in the figure above) or they simply have better material than the others, but there´s no logical explanation why chopping off the pixel´s edges would increase sensitivity.
I think I am slightly off-topic... 

What I´m trying to say is that neither SuperCCD, nor the layout from the paper on top is hexagonal. When I found articles on the internet ten years ago, describing SuperCCD as 'hexagonal', I was wondering, but I didn´t care too much. But when I find scientific work that was published only recently, in which those things are mixed up, then I am a little worried. I am not saying that the algorithm described in this paper is bad. I´m just saying that people who invent image processing algorithms should know the difference between a square and a hexagon. Especially in scientific work this differentiation should be taken serious. I believe that hexagonal image sampling and processing has great potential which is yet unused. I wish more people investigated in (real) hexagonal image science and publish their work. And those trying to find this work should not have to examine if a certain paper really deals with hexagonal image processing or has just a wrong title.


"A Novel Color Filter Array and Demosaicking Algorithm for Hexagonal Grids" slides

I have already mentioned my paper in earlier posts. Today I want to share the slides that I used when I presented the paper in China at ICGIP 2014.


Displaying hexagonal sampled images

In my earlier posts I added some images enlarged so much that the hexagonal nature of their sampling is visible. You may have wondered how I created these images so that they can be shown in your browser, knowing that there is no image file format that supports hexagonal images. In fact, I had to figure out a way to convert these hexagonal sampled images into square sampled images - but not in a way as you would do it if you want to convert an image from a hexagonal sensor. Because in this case you would want to suppress the visibility of the sampling grid. In my case I wanted to do the exact opposite - I wanted to emphasize the sampling grid.
Well, I guess I could have done it Matlab, as kindof the opposite of the hexagonal resampling operation that I explained in an earlier post. This would have been sufficient for online publishing. But when I first started doing this in 2010 I wanted to have a vector graphic which I could insert into my diploma thesis, so that the images would be rendered in the best possible quality, independent of the actual resolution of the print. Therefor I decided to store the hexagonal images as svg files using some Matlab code. I could then open these svg files in Inkscape, a free vector graphics tool, and save it in any other file format, e.g. pdf for printing (and also viewing on the moditor while still maintaining the nature of a vector graphic) or as png with any desired resolution.
So, to make it short, this is how it works:

  1. export the hexagonal sampled image as svg file (using some matlab code)
  2. open the svg file in Inkscape
  3. export a png file
You can find the Matlab code at the end of the post. Please note that it is not perfect (I didn´t plan to make it public first and I was too lazy to fix all issues later). For example, the area that is used for the hexagonal grid is calculated incorrect, so you may need to fix the page size in your svg editor.
One thing that you should consider is that the svg files are huge as every pixel requires about 100 bytes (compared to three bytes in a bitmap graphics file).
Using Inkscape I found that the export as png works best with 2dpi. This will produce images in which each hexagon is roughly 40 pixels high. You can then scale this image to any smaller size you like. When scaling, make sure not to use bicubic or lanczos interpolation as these will introduce artifacts at the edges of the hexagons. better use bilinear (triangle) interpolation.

function [  ] = HexImWriteSVG( HexImage, Filename )
% writes a hexagonally sampled image to SVG

%check datatype of input image and convert to uint8
if isa(HexImage,'uint8')
    %do nothing
elseif isa(HexImage,'uint16')
elseif isa(HexImage,'double')   
    if max(max(max(HexImage)))>1
        fprintf('HexImWriteSVG Error: unsupported data type.\n'); return
    fprintf('HexImWriteSVG Error: unsupported data type.\n'); return


%open file for writing
fId = fopen(Filename,'w+');
if (fId < 3)
    fprintf('HexImWriteSVG Error: Failure to open the output file.\n');
%write SVG
fwrite(fId,['<svg width="' num2str((HexImageWidth+2)*1500) '"  height="' num2str((HexImageHeight+2)*1700) '"><g id="layer1">']);
for y=1:HexImageHeight
    for x=1:HexImageWidth
        fwrite(fId,['<path d="M'...
            num2str((x * 1.5)*980) ','...
            num2str((0.866 + y*1.732 - mod(x,2)*0.866)*980) ' l -500,866 l 500,866 l 1000,0 l 500,-866 l -500,-866 z" style="fill:#'...
            dec2hex(HexImage(y,x,3),2) ';" />']);



Conversion from the hexagonal grid to the rectangular grid (part 2)

While I only provided a brief introduction about how the algorithm works in the previous post, I will now try to explain in detail how it converts a hexagonal image into a square image. For easier understanding I will also present sample images for each step.

The hexagonal image

The starting point is a hexagonally sampled image. Note that the orientation of the hexagonal grid is selected so that every pixel has a corner left and right and a flat edge on the top and at the bottom. This means that every other column is shifted by 0.5 * pixel height. Of course the algorithm can also be programmed to accept hexagonal images with a 90° rotated grid, however, I always refer to this orientation.
So, here´s the hexagonally sampled image which I will use for the demonstration:

The image is actually stored in a normal two-dimensional array. Displaying this array like a normal image using Matlab´s imshow() command looks like this:
The shift of every other column is easily recognizeable in horizontal edges. By comparing both images you can also see that the aspect ratio is different. While the upper image uses hexagonally shaped pixels and therefore has a correct aspect ratio, the lower image uses square pixels to represent the hexagonal pixels which were used in image sampling. The hexagonal grid actually has a pixel aspect ratio of 1:1.1547 while the square grid has 1:1. This means that the second image appears about 15% wider than it should.

Expand to rectangular grid

The first thing that needs to be done is to fix the pixel shift. For this, the algorithm introduces new pixels in the image to produce a checkerboard pattern.
This will - obviously - again result in an incorrect pixel aspect ratio of 2:1.1547 or 1:0.5774.


The next step is the most tricky one: the new black pixels need to be filled with color. Obviously, we will use the surrounding pixels to interpolate the missing values.
The figure above shows the center positions of the pixels which are available for the interpolation as well as the center position of the pixel for which we want to calculate the color values. As it is exactly on the border between the above and below pixel, one could assume that using only these two pixels for the interpolation would be a good approach. However, the result is rather unsatisfying:

Applying a vertical linear interpolation results in a image where horizontal edges show strong artifacts. Another approach could be to use a weighted average of horizontal interpolation and vertical interpolation. The weights should represent the distances between the pixels on the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. Therefore the vertically interpolated value needs to be weighted 1.7321 times stronger than the horizontally interpolated value.
In fact, the image looks even worse than the vertical-only interpolated image. Here, not only horizontal edges, but also vertical edges show strong artifacts. 
The solution is adaptive interpolation. The algorithm has to find whether horizontal interpolation or vertical interpolation leads to the best result. Therefore, it needs to analyze the image. It does this by analyzing each pixel´s neighbourhood in horizontal and vertical direction. The differences of a pixel´s values and those of its neighbours in each direction are stored in a map as displayed below.
Here you can see red areas where there are vertical edges and blue areas where there are horizontal edges. This map will then be blurred and finally used as a basis to decide if a pixel´s values shall be taken from the horizontally interpolated image or from the vertically interpolated image.
The combined image will then look like this:

Fixing the aspect ratio

Finally, the aspect ratio needs to be fixed. There are two options to do this: either stretch the image horizontally or squeeze it vertically. The results are as follows:
The horizontally stretched image measures 154*237 pixels (compared to the hexagonally captured 89*118 pixels). The total pixel count is more than three times higher than the pixel count of the captured hexagonal image.
The vertically squeezed image measures 89*136 pixels an has roughly 15% more pixels than the original hexagonal image. It appears less processed than the stretched image, but when having a closer look you will find that quite some detail is missing compared to the stretched image.


This file contains the Matlab code to do the conversion. Feel free to use it and improve it. I will be happy about your feedback.


Conversion from the hexagonal grid to the rectangular grid (part 1)

In an earlier post I proposed a method to create hexagonally sampled images in order to overcome the problem of missing hexagonal image sensors. In this article I want to show you how to convert a hexagonal image into a rectangular image.

The algorithm quickly explained

First of all the algorithm expands the hexagonal image in vertical direction by introducing black pixels between the existing ones. The goal is to have a grid without 0.5-pixel shifts, as we have it in the hexagonal grid. After stretching the image, we have a checkerboard pattern.
The next step is to interpolate the values at the new pixel positions. There are various ways to do this. The easiest would be to use bilinear interpolation. However, I found that with a non-adaptive interpolation you will still be able to recognize the hexagonal pattern in the final image. This is why I designed the algorithm to first create two candidate images, one horizontally interpolated, the other vertically interpolated. After that the algorithm decides at every pixel position from which of the candidate images to take the color values.
After that you end up with a fully interpolated image with a weird pixel aspect ratio. You can now stretch or squeeze the image to achieve a pixel aspect ratio of 1:1. Horizontal stretching will make the resulting image much bigger than necessary, vertical squeezing may result in loss of information (even though the pixel count will still be higher than that of the original hexagonal image).

Sample images

Below there are some processed images. The left image is the hexagonally sampled image. The middle image has a rectangular grid, it is derived from the left image. The image to the right is a square sampled image for comparison.

Pixel count

It is quite obvious that the middle column (rectangular grid, derived from hexagonal grid) has much more pixels than the right column (square sampled images). This is due to the nature of the conversion. Of course, the rectangular image can be resized to have the same resolution as the square sampled image. However, this might result in loss of information. So, in order to keep as much information as possible in the images, I decided to leave them at the higher resolution.

Skewed edges

The higher resolution actually doesn´t bring much visible detail. Instead it makes the image look smoother. However, in some of the test images you may see that skewed edges look better in the middle column than in the right column. It is not so obvious in the posted examples, but hexagonal sampling has advantages in rendering skewed lines and also with high vertical frequencies (provided that you use the same orientation of the grid as I do). This is because on the hexagonal grid every other column is shifted by 0.5 pixels. This allows to introduce sub-pixel interpolation and achieve some gain in vertical resolution. However, the effect is only visible in few situations.


The conversion algorithm decides at every sub-pixel location whether to interpolate horizontally or vertically, depending on the surroundings. In some situations, especially when there´s a lot of fine detail, it happes that the algorithm makes a wrong decision which leads to visible artifacts (an example for that is the tree in the 'lake' image). However, all the images have been sampled without anti-aliasing filtering. In real world applications the situations in which artifacts are introduced would be much less. But anyway, there is room for improvement.


This file contains the Matlab code to do the conversion. Feel free to use it and improve it. I will be happy about your feedback.

In part 2 I explain in more detail how the algorithm works.

Sample Images

In my previous posts you may have seen some sample images which I used to demonstrate certain issues or the result of a certain image processing algorithm. Maybe you wondered where these images come from. Well, it depends on what I am trying to achieve an what I use the images for.

Testing performance of real programs

When I examine how different programs process images, I naturally have to use source images in a special format from an origin that is supported by the program. When I investigate the quality of the demosaicking in a certain program, then it doesn´t help to use a PNG with monitor color space as a test image. In this case I use Raw image files which I typically download from the internet. A good source for such files is dpreview.com. They provide sample images of a huge number of different cameras in Jpeg and Raw format.
Sometimes I also use picture which I took with my own camera. 

Testing performance of self-written algorithms

This is something completely different. For testing my own algorithms I don´t want to use Raw image files which have a custom header and the actual information stored in a weird way. Using such files would require special knowledge about the file format and color reproduction. For this purpose it is much easier to use files which can be easily opened in Matlab and which use the monitor´s color space so you don´t have to mess around with converting colors. One good option for this is the Kodak image set which is used for almost every paper on image processing.
You can download the image suite from http://r0k.us/graphics/kodak/

Another very good source is ARRI. They provide a set of image sequences shot with their professional camera ARRI ALEXA. The files are available in TIFF format in monitor color space and as raw sensor data (Bayer) stored in TIFF files as well. Using TIFF as a container makes it very easy to use these files in your applications. They even share some Matlab code to convert the colors from the sensor´s color space into the monitor´s color space.
Refer to the paper BEYOND THE KODAK IMAGE SET: A NEW REFERENCE SET OF COLOR IMAGE SEQUENCES. The abstract already contains the credentials for ARRI´s FTP server to download the files.


hexagonal resampling

Hexagonal image processing is a somewhat exotic part of imaging science. Digital images are typically considered as a number of pixels arranged in a square lattice. This is actually not predefined by nature, it is just the easiest way to describe two-dimensional data - which images are. Another way of representing such two-dimensional data is in the form of hexagonal lattices. There are actually scientists who have shown that hexagonal sampling is more efficient than square sampling. There are also scientists who investigated the performance of certain image processing algorithms on square and hexagonal lattices to prove that hexagonal sampling also enhances computational efficiency. What I found in most of these papers is that the authors typically don´t spend much time for the gathering the hexagonally sampled images. The biggest problem in hexagonal image processing currently is that there is no way to capture images on a hexagonal lattice, simply because there exists no such image sensor. So the only way to process hexagonal images is to create them artificially. In this article I will propose a method to create hexagonally sampled images.

There are rather simple ways to create hexagonally sampled images from square sampled images. You could for example stretch the square sampled image using a simple interpolation method and then ignore every other pixel so that you end up with a virtual hexagonal grid. Other similar methods are used in the existing literature. What is common to all of them is that they try to convert the square sampled image into a hexagonally sampled image with approximately the same pixel count. This is actually a process which will always introduce loss of information and it is a very poor approximation of hexagonal sampling. What these approaches ignore is the fact that hexagonal sampling not only requires a hexagonal lattice, it also requires hexagonal shaped pixels. You can´t simply take a square pixel, put it into a hexagonal grid and call it a hexagonal pixel. So, what I propose is a resampling algorithm which imitates 'real' hexagonal sampling. Real image sampling means that there is a natural scene which reflects light into a camera´s lens. The lens may introduce some distortion which limits the spatial resolution of the image. Then the light hits the sensor surface to create a projection of the scene in front of the lens. This projection is band limited (because of the lens) but still continuous. The sensor is separated into pixels which will then do the sampling. This is the process that needs to be imitated in resampling. Obviously, we don´t want to use a natural scene, nor a lens or a physical sensor. So our starting point is the projection of the scene on the sensor´s surface. Unfortunately we can´t imitate a continuous image because this would have to have unlimited resolution. But as an approximation we can use an image with very high resolution and then sample it with rather low resolution. Still, this method is just an approximation, but it is far better than putting square pixels on a hexagonal grid. The greater the ratio between the input image and the output image the better the approximation. Typically, for testing image processing algorithms it is sufficient to use images with a few hundreds of pixels in each direction. By using an input image taken with a modern camera you can easily achieve ratios of about 10:1. If you are satisfied with smaller images or you need a better approximation, you can still increase this figure.

My algorithm takes an SquareImage and a ShrinkFactor as input parameters. The SquareImage is of course the high-res source image, the shrink factor is the ratio for subsampling. With a shrink factor of 10 the output image would be roughly 10 times smaller than the input image (the pixel count will be about 1/100 of the input image). It is not exactly 10 times smaller because of the fact that the aspect ratio of the hexagonal grid is different than for the square grid. A hexagonal image will have about 7% more pixels on the horizontal axis and 7% less on the vertical axis (note that this depends on the direction of the hexagonal grid). If you would use an 2880x1620 input image and set the ShrinkFactor to 10, then the output image would be 309x150. You might recognize that also the area is not exactly 1/100. This is because the hexagonal grid´s borders will never exactly match with the source images borders. In fact you will lose a view pixels at the borders of the image.
The algorithm crops hexagonal tiles out of the input image, calculates their mean value and inserts this value into the output image at the correct position. In order to crop these hexagonal tiles, I use a mask with a hexagonal shape with an area of 625. A square with a width of 25 has the same area. This makes it easy to create a square sampled image with the same pixel size to compare it with the hexagonally sampled image. In order to achieve the intended ShrinkFactor, I increase the image´s size using bicubic interpolation before resampling.
The code is designed with a lot of loops. This doesn´t look good and increases the time required for the operation. However, it helps saving memory. When working with big input images this can be an issue.

HexResampling.m is the Matlab source file. Hexagon25.png is the mask which is required to create the tiles of the image.

Below are some examples. The images on the left side are hexagonally sampled with my algorithm. The images on the right side are created by square sampling the same input image with the same pixel size.


Demosaicking Algorithm for the X-Trans Color Filter Array

In my last post I showed that ACDSee´s demosaicking algorithm for X-Trans images has a few issues. Well, interpolating the X-Trans color filter array (CFA) is not as easy as interpolating a Bayer CFA, simply because the X-Trans CFA is much more complex. However, Fuji (inventor of the X-Trans CFA) claims that their layout can outperform the Bayer CFA in terms of image quality. Obviously this is only true when applying a demosaicking algorithm which is sophisticated enough to really handle the CFA.
Some time ago in 2013 I wrote my own demosaicking algorithm for the X-Trans CFA as part of my master thesis. Actually the goal of the thesis was to compare various CFAs which is not so easy because the quality of the resulting image does not only depend on the used CFA but also on the used demosaicking algorithm. But I don´t want to bother you with this here. Instead, I want to share my algorithm. I have written it in Matlab. Below you will find the links to the source files.


I have to say I´m sorry for the missing comments in the source files. Let me briefly explain how it works. Best is to start with the test.m file. You can use it to load an RGB image and convert it into an X-Trans image (RGB_to_XTrans) or to load a tiff which contains the raw sensor data. The program is not ably to directly read *.RAF files. I used DCRaw with the options '-E -T -4' to convert the *.RAF into a 16bit TIFF.
After loading the image file, it will be converted into a full RGB image. No color correction will be applied to the image, this is why RAW files will appear dark after they have been processed. If you use RGB images for testing, however, then the result should be fine.
Below you'll find some processed test images (top) and the original image (bottom) to compare.

Well, decide for your own, but I think the quality is pretty good and for sure better than what ACDSee can achieve. But it´s not perfect. Let me discuss a few issues:

  • The images have a strange pattern on their edges. This is not really a problem of the algorithm. It´s simply because my algorithm is just a prototype and I didn´t care about the edges. Maybe this is also what happens in ACDSee´s processing (but theirs is not a prototype). It could easily be fixed by adding a few pixel rows/columns before demosaicking and crop them afterwards.
  • Loss of detail, e.g. in the grass in the first image. Well, of course. I can´t do magic.
  • Strange colors on fine details, e.g. on the trousers of the driver in the foreground in the last image or in the water in front of the boat in the second image. The X-Trans CFA has a rather low color resolution. Without pre-filtering the image we should expect to see things like these. Maybe it is possible to fix it by tweaking the algorithm (e.g. increase the number of runs for the alias canceling), however, there´s always a tradeoff. Fixing this issue will most probably result in bleeding colors (like in the 'numbers' image in my last post).

Let me add a few words on how the algorithm works. I basically use the main principles of Hirakawa´s 'Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed Demosaicing Algorithm'. First, I interpolate the green channel in for directions (horizontally, vertically, and 2x diagonally). After that I interpolate the red and blue channels in the same way. For this I exploit the interchannel correlation. The result are four candidate images. In the next step I rate at every pixel location from which candidate image to take the RGB values to construct the final image. After that I add some alias canceling to suppress color seams. That´s it.

Feel free to play around with my algorithm. I will be happy about every feedback. Please don´t use it commercially!